Tuesday, March 05, 2024

PowerShell to Identify the Azure AD Connect server (Microsoft Entra AD Connect) PowerShell Command line.

Local PowerShell command to show the Azure Microsfot Entra Connect sync server's name. 

Find Azure Entra Sync Server Command Line

This one liner PowerShell command, although long, worked perfectly to list current Microsoft Entra Connect server and it also listed all previous AD connect sync servers. Didn't need past servers but it displayed them but I suspect that information could be useful for another problem so it's good to know that information could be obtained with the same command.  The PowerShell command to list Azure Entra Connect sync servers doesn't list DirSync servers.  

Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter "(description=*configured to synchronize to tenant*)" -Properties description | % { $_.description.SubString(142, $_.description.IndexOf(" ", 142) - 142)}

The command mentioned above is actually used in the scenario shown below to find out or validate the on-premises server Microsoft Entra Azure AD service was operating on. Also, the command includes a list of all previous servers. These servers were visible in Active Directory but were not indented to display history. This was a pleasant surprise, but we only required the current server. 

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Sunday, March 03, 2024

How to Leave Slack Workspace

 How to Remove Your Account from a Slack Workspace 

leave slack Workspace - remove account from slack WorkSpace
Remote your account from Slack Workspace

Old version instruction may not be very useful when trying to remove your account from a Slack workspace.  You may have added your account into a Slack workspace by accident and need to leave that Slack works space. Many steps simply indicate to select the Workspace and delete leave the space. Some indicate to leave all channels then leave the works space.  

With the latest version of Slack as o the date of this post and possibly near future releases, the way I found to leave or delete your account from a Slack channel is to open a browser, log into Slack. 

Go to Account > Deactivate Account > Click or Tap "Deactivate Account" button.