Thursday, May 05, 2022

Disable Windows Server 2019/2016/2022 Auto Lock, Screen Lock


Disable Windows Server 2022/2019/2016/2012 Auto Lock, Screen Lock

Disabling auto screen lock in Windows Server can be done without using a domain group policy. Only the local computer policy is required so this won't have to be applied to other servers. 

Start by opening local group policy. Click search or the windows icon on the taskbar then begin typing Group and select Edit Group Policy . That will start the right console. 

Disable Windows Server  Auto-Lock, Screen Lock

Now you can edit the local policy - NOT the domain policy 

Go to System | Power Management | Video and Display Settings | double click on Turn off the display (plugged in) setting


Enable it, set to 0. 

Open an elevated command prompt and run gpupdate /force. Running this command is really not required for a local policy but a good habit to get into if you will also be creating or editing Active Directory Group Policies. 

That's it. It has worked for me every time. This may also work for Windows 10 and Windows 11 but I've not tested yet. 


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